Things got busy, so I stopped watching somewhere mid season 6. I recently discovered that it is on ABC Family at 5:00 every day. Wouldn't you know it; they were on season 6, so I was able to DVR the show each day and watch it while the kids were napping. I love it and am pretty hooked.
Yesterday's episode ended with the season 6 finale. I tried to tune in at 5:00 today while nursing the princess (hubs had little man outside mowing the lawn), and the whole thing started over at season 1! What happened to season 7??? I need season 7! Don't they know I only have a few more weeks of maternity leave...when it's over I won't have the time to watch the Gilmore Girls. Darn it!

This brings up another point. We starting watching Dexter on CBS. Have you seen this show? The premise is pretty sick and disturbing, but we got hooked (much like the sopranos - you get hooked quickly). Anyway, this show has already aired 2 seasons on showtime. We just watched the season 1 finale and now I need more. Knowing more is out there is driving me nuts!

I am considering canceling HBO and signing up for Net Flix. Then I can rent Gilmore Girls season 7 and Dexter season 2. Notice, if you will, these two shows could not be any more different. How can I possibly need to see both?
From all of this, you can gather that I am a television junkie. However, I'm not all about television. I also love to read, but I am really a beach read

I just picked up The Second Nine Months by Vicki Glembocki, which was a suggested reading from the Blog Mamma herself. I started it yesterday and am already 3/4 of the way through. It's a great book. There are a lot of parts that I can totally empathize with her. Like the way other babies are sleeping through the night and yours is the only one not sleeping through the night. This happened with Little man, although the Hubs swore that the other mommies were lying through their teeth. Who knows! Anyway, it's a great book. Pick it up if you want to relive some old memories!

I LOVE Gilmore Girls!!! What a bummer that they didn't give you season 7!!
So glad you got the book - it is great! I actually sent my copy on to my sister-in-law who just had her first baby back in September..
Hey ladies, thanks for plugging my book, The Second Nine Months. (I found you because I googled myself. Yes. I GOOGLED myself. Can you say "lame"?) I'm so glad you're relating to it and you don't think that I should be incarcerated (like some OTHER people do). Tell everyone you know!
Best to you!
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my husband and I got hooked on Dexter while watching on CBS. We don't have cable so I checked it out at the library. The language is bad but the show is soooo goood. I put season 2 on hold and am waiting for it to come in. Hopefully they'll put season 3 on order so that when we're done we can get our fix.
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You have no idea how happy it makes me to see another fellow Gilmore Girls follower. Everyday at 5 I have to watch it, and if I miss it then I have to watch it at 11 am the next day. My husband def doesnt understand. Anyways long story short I had to borrow the rest of the seasons from a friend to watch them. Plus I saw a commercial the other day and they are starting a new season of Gilmore Girls Next week! IM SO EXCITED!
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Gilmore Girls and Dexter are two of my all time tv shows :)
I too LOVE LOVE LOVE Gilmore Girls. Fell in love with it when pregnant with my first and started buying all the season shortly after he was born. When he was little he loved the theme song and would starting bopping along to it whenever it came on. I hate it when you are watching reruns on tv and they start over instead of going to one of the last seasons. Hope you can finish watching soon:)
Its a little odd that your blog specifies you're a christian yet you put such garbage before your eyes with shows like Dexter? I encourage you to live with conviction. If you title it mindless entertainment then why even fill your home with it? Many people say "its just a show". No, its not just a show. Be aware of the spiritual world out there. What you bring into your home will affect every aspect of your life. So question yourself "Would Jesus watch Dexter?" Im sure you know the answer.
Love Gilmore Girls and miss it...Love Lauralee. Love Rory. Thanks for the reminder!
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