Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The Sweetest Thing

Sunday night I was in the kitchen preparing dinner. Once Timmy got wind of what I was doing, he moved our desk chair to the island in the kitchen so he could watch and take part in the action. In front of him he had a bag of sealed lettuce and a large plastic mixing bowl. He asked me for a spoon, but wasn't satisfied at one spoon. I gave him all the kids' spoons I had, then gave him all the plastic, wood and rubber utensils I had in my cooking utensil drawer (pathetically type A personality, I know). He was happily playing with all the "toys," for a good 10 minutes. Then I heard:

"A little more sugar."

I looked up to see what he was doing. He was pretending to scoop sugar from the bag of sealed lettuce, then adding it to the mixing bowl while saying, "A little more sugar," then stirring in his pretend sugar. He kept doing this for at least 10 minutes. It was so cute and pretty much the highlight of my weekend!


Special K ~Toni said...

That is so cute! And kept him occupied!

Leena said...

little chef there bakin a muffin for mom maybe..
this is my first visit to your blog. you have a cute little boy there..