Thursday, December 20, 2007

Yankee Swap

It's that time of year! I always enjoy picking out a gift for the Yankee Swap, but I have to say...I often pick a gift that I want. It's typically something very nice. In my years of participating in these at work, I have never ended up with what I brought or anything that interests me. Sometimes, I would end up with just plain horrible stuff. I know what you're thinking - How terrible she is! Where is the spirit of the season in her? Yeah....normally I would agree with you, but I put a lot of effort into the gifts that I take to these things and always end up with something that somebody pulled out of their junk drawer (seriously - one year I got peach tapered candles).

This year I was planning to give a yankee candle. It has been sitting at my house for awhile now, and I knew it would work out well. Everyone (well, maybe not everyone - my mom doesn't like candles - I'm sure there are others out there like her) likes them. I bought a cute little tin to put it in on Tuesday, and when I came home to put the gift together, I discovered it had been lit. The hubs lit it one night when we had people over, which is surprising considering he hates candles b/c they blacken the walls after long term use.

So...back to the drawing board. I had to run out for a last minute thing for the CEO, so I looked in the book section and found the new Rachel Ray cookbook (for those of you that have read my blog for awhile, you know I am a huge fan of hers). I bought that. I'm not saying I put any thought into this gift at all - b/c I didn't. I did, however, pick it with myself in mind. It's a book that I really want.

Fast forward to the Yankee Swap this afternoon. I was prepared to get the shaft, as I always do but I drew number 1. In this agency's version of the game, number 1 is the best number to have. Yeah!!!! Finally! All those years of paying my dues with crap gifts and I can finally get the one I really want! That's right - I took my book back and am taking it home with me!

And....for the record, had I not drawn number 1, I would have ended up with a CD from some no-name local band (no one was thrilled about this gift)! See; it would have meant my luck continued.


Cassie - Homeschooling Four said...

Glad your luck turned around. I'm too big of a loud mouth at those type of things. If I would just sit there quietly, no one would notice the beautiful frame I was hiding and trade me for a troll doll. Oh, well.

Anonymous said...

My hubby is the same way with candles! He complains every time I light them and insists that if I do light them, I extinguish them by putting the lid back on, not blowing them out and letting the smoke drift around. Okay, whatever. :o)

I know what you mean about those swaps. We used to have to do gifts under $5, so that really sucked. Everybody fought over the best gift - 5 lottery tickets. LOL! Glad you got your cookbook!! I love Rachael Ray too. I have found so many great recipes oh hers and they are so quick!! She's a lifesaver!!

Hope you guys have a very Merry Christmas!!! (((Hugs)))