Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Try it Tuesday

File this one away for next year...

As many of you know, Little Man is allergic to eggs. A great deal of energy, on my part, is spent finding egg alternative. Easter is no exception to that. We can't decorate real eggs - if they break it would be a very bad thing for him. This year, I ordered some egg craft kits from Oriental Trading Company and we made rice krispies treats and molded them into plastic eggs. The Easter Bunny hid everything and Timmy had a blast.

Next year, when looking for a fun treat on Easter...try molding rice krispies treats into plastic eggs. It's fun and adorable!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an excellent idea! I'll take any occasion I can get to eat rice krispies treats! Now if I could only do something for my marshmallow Peeps addiction!