Thursday, February 8, 2007

Thoughts for the Day

Today was the millionth day in a row of extreme cold weather. Okay, that's an exageration, but sometimes (especially when you can't play outside) it feels like it has gone on forever. For the first week, I thought, this is refreshing! It's finally winter. We can finally see the lakes frozen over. The local skating rink can finally be made - oh the blessings of the frigid temps can go on and on! I kept reminding myself of those blessings and coming up with new ones at the beginning of this cold spell. It's not an easy task to keep that positive attitude going. It hasn't stopped us for doing our daily errands, but it has stopped us from playing in the snow! My little guy loves the snow, so it makes me sad when I have to tell he we can't go outside and play in it. The town's winter carnival is this weekend. Maybe we will bundle up and brave the cold to enjoy some of the fun festivities the town has to offer. Hey, I just came up with another cold weather blessing. We can and do have winter carnivals. Winter carnivals that need the frigid temps for most of the planned activities!

On the job front, (you didn't think I forgot that I need to return to work, did you?), I should be hearing from the day care center tomorrow about whether or not I got the teacher position there. In addition to that, I have an interview on Tuesday at a place in VT for a part-time HR position. I'm torn between the desire for both positions (desire is a strong word). One one hand, there is the day care center, which would allow me to take my son to work with me each day (although not in my classroom). On the other hand, the HR job is part-time and a career about which I am passionate and at which I excell. I have determined that even if I am offered the teacher position, I will go to the interview on Tuesday to hear more about the HR position. My prayer has been that the Lord will put a peace in my heart about returning to work and that He will lead me to the position that is right for me.

1 comment: said...

Working at a day care and taking your kids to work has good advantages. we do it. We wake up about the same time, get ready, and leave. The day care is nearby so we save a lot of time which translates into more sleep time for all.