Friday, March 2, 2007

Chronicles of a Snow Day

Typically, I dispise being house bound. I usually like to go out at least once during the day. Play groups and errands have become a life line for me. Today, we were house bound because of a snow storm. Rather than dispise the day, I decided to relish in it. Timmy woke at 7:15, but we stayed in bed and watched Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (a movie obsession in our house) together for about a half hour, then when we finally did get up, I made the conscious decision to dress us both in sweat pants for the day - Oh, yeah....comfffffyyyyyy!
Downstairs, we indulged in more tv and vacuuming. I vacuum every day, so that's not such a special thing. It was just nice that Timmy let me do it without trying to turn the vacuum on and off every 5 seconds. We followed the vacuuming with some pillow play. Timmy piled the couch pillows high and played night night with them. This is a very entertaining way to spend the morning. I decided, if we were to get through the house bound day with sane minds, we needed to ramp up the fun a bit.
We made cookies (egg free of course)! Cookie making, or any baking is entertaining for Timmy. He likes to pull the chair up to the island and help with the kitchen aide mixer. Turning it on and off is his thing, but today we went one step further. He got to help unwrap the butter - we are going big time now! The dough making left a paddle that needed to be licked clean, which of course is always the highlight of the cookie making process.

Licking the paddle led to putting the paddle in his hair. Sometimes I wonder why he does these kinds of things, but then I step back and realize he's just exploring his environment - well, that's what I like to tell myself to keep my frustration level at bay.
The paddle in the hair was followed by bath time - a very unprecidented middle of the day event! I has just finished reading Parenting Magazine, which had an article about how to keep the kids busy on a snow day - one thing involved taking a bath and playing with shaving cream, so I broke out the shaving cream. This made bath time very, very fun! He had such a good time and kept asking for more, more, more. The only downfall, I need to remember to re-stock Todd's supply during my next trip to Wal-Mart.
The bath was followed by a general upstairs clean-up, which included changing the crib sheets. Every time I take on this little task, Timmy likes to be put in his crib to play night night when I am finished. This is always fine with me, because I usually have other things to pick up in his room. Today I was cleaning his changing table, so my back was to him. He kept saying up, up, up - but I told him he needed to wait for mommy to finish. When I turned around, I saw that he had thrown teddy over the side and he was going after him. That's right - he had both legs on the top of the crib and his little body hoisted all the way to the top! This has never happened. I got a sickening feeling that this is the beginning of the end of the crib. Man - there go the nights of uninterrupted sleep! I remained calm, so as not to make a big deal of what he was doing. With any luck, he'll forget about what he accomplished.....???? I can hear all you experienced moms out there laughing at me!
We followed all of this up with cutting out the cookies and baking them and having lunch. I think it might have been the longest morning ever!


NH Family Times Editor said...

Hi Chrissy!
Looks like you and Timmy made it through the day okay. Us too-just no cookies here..bummer..maybe tomorrow.

I cannot, nor can Britt, upload any pics into our blogs any advice?

thanks for your kind words about NH Family Times! I appreciate your support!


Rebecca said...

Oh, no. A crib climber-outer! I've heard there are tents that can delay switching to big boy beds for a few months.

Have fun with that boy! (Love the mixer - have one just like it myself.) :-)