Friday, June 1, 2007


Last Saturday night, I had dreams about water all night- well, maybe not all night, but I had 3 separate water dreams. Is there anyone out there in the blogosphere that can interpret dreams??? The first two dreams were about toilets overflowing - nice, huh? Both were clean toilets and clean water, so that's a little less disgusting. The third dream was in my grandparents' backyard; the entire backyard was a small lake and I was swimming in it with a lot of people.

I did a google search on dream interpretation and I learned that: "To see water in your dream, symbolizes your unconscious and your emotional state of mind. Water is the living essence of the psyche and the flow of life energy. It is also symbolic of spirituality, knowledge, healing and refreshment."
I couldn't stop there, I had to see what dreaming of a toilet meant, so I searched toilet and this is what I found: "To see an overflowing toilet in your dream, denotes your desires to fully express your emotions."

So, what this says to me is that I have a lot of built-up emotion that needs to be purged so that I can feel healed and refreshed???

I used to work with a woman from Jamaica and a woman from India. Both talked about water dreams, and one even had water dreams with me in them. They both claim that having a dream about water means that you are full of new life, or that you will become or are pregnant. They constantly drilled me about whether or not I had dreams about water. I never did. I will say, however, that shortly after one of them dreamed about me and water, I found out I was pregnant with Timmy.

When I had these water dreams last week, I immediately did a google search to see if western cultures believed the same thing about water dreams. No such dreams were not a foreshadowing of a pregnancy. As a matter of fact, I don't think they have anything to do with what the interpretation site says. I think they were just weird dreams with a common theme. But, a girl can hope....


Chicken Farmer said...

Oh, I could spit nickles right now!! I had a fantastic book on interpreting dreams I used it during a college classs.ummmm Spiritual Wellbeing...Yes... a 3 credit college class. Then dumb me... I lent the book to a "friend" and I never got it back. I'm gonna go check out Amazon...if I find it I will post it on my blog....

Anonymous said...

That is so weird!! My dreams are always bizarre. That would be really cool if they're trying to tell you something though! :o)