1 box cake mix, prepared according to directions.
Bake 1 9 inch round and 12 cupcakes according to directions.
2 containers of white frosting - do not used whipped frosting.
4 different food colors - use the gel or paste colors, not the liquid (it thins the icing too much)
Skittles sorted into 4 different colors.
Mix the frosting colors. Choose colors to match the party theme or taste of the child your making the cake for. Prepare 4 different colors of frosting. Keeping in mind there is one color for the 9 inch round, one color for seven cupcakes, one color for 4 cupcakes and one color for one cupcake.
Frost the 9 inch round.
Frost the 7 cupcakes.
Place one cupcake in the center of the 9 inch round cake, then place the remaining 6 cupcakes around the center cupcake (making sure the sides touch on each cupcake - tight circle).
Place the next 4 cupcakes on top of the seven.
Place the final cupcake on top of the 4.
Decorate with skittles to your liking.
Add candles - I used the spiral candles for a little extra something.
The cake is a big hit with the younger crowd and other parents are usually impressed.
Below, I posted the same cake with a Spiderman theme for a Spiderman party. All the cupcakes and cake are white. I made webs on each cupcake with gray icing. I drew a bullseye with icing on each cupcake, then pulled a toothpick from the center out to make it look like a web. I topped each cupcake with a small plastic spider (easily found in any party store). Once the cake was put together, I dusted the whole thing with clear edible glitter. It made the cake sparkle like dew on a morning spiderweb. It was very cool and made for a very happy 5 year old and his mommy, who happens to be a good friend of mine.
How very cute! I think I'm going to try this for Jake's next birthday!
I'm gonna have to file this idea away, it's great!
That's adorable! I may do that for my daughter's Valentine's party in red and white..
Very impressive and it looks so easy!
I would love to know if you bake the cupcakes in liners, or if you just bake them right in the pan.
I am making this on Thursday for my 12 year old daughter :)
Thanks for all the comments. It really is a fun cake to make - I hope you get a chance to try it.
Heather, I can't write to you personally cause there isn't a link with your comment. I hope you check back - I used liners both times I made the cake.
I tried it, it came out AWESOME! This was such a huge hit!
Thanks Chrissy!
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